Monday, July 19, 2010


In 1995 the International Training Centre for Women (MNO-ITW) organised the Women 2000 Conference for the first time.
Five years later the conference Women 2000-ll followed.
These conventions were organised to enable participants to exchange views on and experiences with funding for women.
In 2005 the third Global conference was followed called Gender Equity in Economy where INSTMW participated as an UN input.
MNO-ITW now organised the fourth conference, Women 2000-lV, in order to raise awareness and get a cleat idea of what women’s current position is concerning the influence of the worldwide economic crisis on the position of women. Because it is exactly this very crisis which we may consider a turning point for women.
All crises have their dangers and disadvantages but each and every crisis also entails creativity and new opportunities This conference aimed to produce information and recommendation on actions which will enhance Gender Equity as the turning point or Economic Development in the world.
During the two decades following the initial Women2000 conference and developments have occurred on gender equity. However, there is still a long way to 90, according to MNO-ITW, due to the continuing attitude of policy makers. The latter promote the idea of emancipation and empowerment of women, as it would already have been completed thus they portrait a far too positive picture. Women need to be involved in decision making regarding their future, economy, education, culture, media IICT and other activities.
The empowerment process is losing its momentum and needs to be readdressed. It is true that nowadays more often women in top positions appear in the media. Unfortunately it is but a small percentage of the capable women who would be able to play a large role at the top, if the opportunity is “seized'.
One of the Women 2000-lV conference's objectives was to emphasize that women should be recognized by financial organisation as serious entrepreneurs being able to come into force as a tuning point for economic crisis. The decision on funding for women is regularly influenced by prejudice in policy making. This situation must change as we agree upon economic participation and gender budgeting as to be one of the most important instruments for progress and continuing worldwide and local development.
During the Fourth WOMEN 2000 Conference we evaluated the effects of the Economic Crisis as a Turning point for Women: where and how we can step in.

Elsje Dijkgraaff
President MNO-ITW

Conferinta in Amsterdam

Conferinta internationala dedicata crizei economice, organizata in Amsterdm in zilele de 8-9 iulie (, mi-a prilejuit o experienta diferita de a celorlalte prticipari la conferinte internatioale.
Participarea mea s-a datorat invitatiei primite de la presedinta organizatiei MNO-ITW din Olanda si obtinerii unei burse prin Programul Grundtvig, Vizite si schimburi (
M-am intalnit cu experti si cadre universitare de pe trei continente (Europa, Asia, Africa), directoare din ministere, colaboratoare ale Comisiei Europene, fost membre ale parlamentelor din tarile pe care le reprezentau, experte in domenii legate de problematica femeilor in contextul globalizarii.
Am pregatit pentru conferinta o prezentare a proiectului de parteneriat Grundtvig “Rolul antreprenoriatului in viata femeilor “(, dar si o prezentare a celor mai frumoase obiective turistice din Romania.
Intamplarea a facut sa fim doar doua reprezentante din Europa de Est, eu si o participanta din Croatia, celelalte participante fiind din Franta, Japonia, Olanda, Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii si al Irlandei de Nord, Tailanda, Uganda.
Acest lucru a facut conferinta extrem de interesanta, problemele abordate aratand atat lucruri comune cat si diversitatea lumii in care traim.
Am plecat din Romania putin apasata de gandul la inundatii si la celelalte necazuri cu care ne confruntam.
Insa din nou am reusit sa –mi prezint tara intr-o lumina favorabila.
Rezultatul a fost ca toate participantele isi doresc ca urmatoarea conferinta sa se desfasoare in Romania, prezentarile despre Romania si despre proiectele in care este implicata Info Project trezind interesul tuturor.
Ma bucura acest lucru. Inseamna ca e poate sa nu parem mereu coada Europei si a lumii.
Ce am mai constatat cu prilejul calatoriei spre si dinspre Olanda?
Trenurile intarzie. Pierzi legaturi. Dar frecventa trenurilor e atat de buna incat nu te incurca pea tare.
Am preferat , in loc sa astept legatura cu avionul urmator pe un aeroport, sa clatoresc cu trenul de la Dortmund la Amsterdam.
Exceptand micile neplaceri cauzate de schimbarea liniilor in ultima clipa si pierderea legaturilor de pe schema de calatorie initiala, calatoria cu trenul prin Germnia si Olanda a fost extrem de interesanta.
Trenurile sunt extrem de confortabile si de curate.
Am remarcat multi copaci pe tot traseul. Sunt ca o perdea care protejeaza localitatile prin care trec liniile ferate.
Fermele sunt ingrijite si arata bunastare sau o stare de bine, privindu-le din tren.
Amsterdamul, cu canalele si numeroasele piste de biciclete, cu cladirile legate una de alta pentru a folosi tot spatiul existent, e un oras impresionant.
Doar 40% din populatie sunt bastinasi. Restul sunt imigranti de pe toate continentele.
Pacea si armonia par sa ofere un cadru special milioanelor de turisti care-l viziteaza an de an.
Muzeele Amsterdamului sunt minunate. Ele iti ofera prilejul sa te intalnesti cu toti marii pictori olandezi. Dar mai ales cu Van Gogh si Rembrandt. Intalnri pe care nu le poti rata.
Si Heineken iti demonstreaza cum se poate promova un brand si cum se pot obtine sume uriase din lucruri marunte dar de mult bun gust.
M-am intors acasa incarcata de energie pozitiva.
Am realizat deja un grup de discutii prin intermediul caruia incercam sa continuam ce aminceput in timpul conferintei: women_and_the_global_crisis.
Am creat si un Blog care ne va ajuta sa promovam ideile pe care le-am impartasit in Amsterdam.
Deocamdata am publicat doar cateva informatii si fotografii. Speram sa prezentam in scurt timp si rezultate ale Conferintei.
E important sa calatoresti, sa vezi cum traiesc si alti oameni, sa vezi cum gandesc, sa compari, sa inveti.
Poate vom reusi impreuna sa contribuim ca societatea globala in care traim sa devina mai prietenoasa, mai buna si mai frumoasa.

Monday, July 12, 2010

International Conference in Amsterdam

"Economic Crisis; The Turning Point for Women- ICTW 4th Global Conference ", organized by Women 2000-IV.

Amsterdam , 8th-9th July, 2010.

The participants were specialists from Croatia, France, Japan, the Netherlands, Romania, United Kingdom , Thailand, Uganda.

The Conference was opened by Elsje Dijkgraff, President of MNO-ITW, who welcomed the participants and read the message sent by Her Royal Highness Princess Maxima , Princess of ORANGE-NASSAU.

The representative of Mr. Dr.Lodewik Frans Asscher , Acting Mayor of Amsterdam., adressed the audience welcoming the international paticipnts to Amsterdam.

The conference was successfully facilitated by Janet Smith, former Gender Expert to the European Commission.